Refundable Registration Terms & Conditions

  • Refunds Issued

    TSFM WILL issue a refund of your initial Race Registration purchase, and if applicable, BART & or VIP Tickets if you are unable to attend the Race due to any of the following listed reasons AND, have provided the required supporting documentation detailed below, subject to the General Conditions of Refund:

  • Refundable Terms

    Illness / Injury / Medical Condition 

    Definition: an illness or accidental injury to you or a member of your Immediate Family, or a physical condition that will prevent you from attending the Race.

    Supporting Documentation: a note from a Doctor confirming the illness, injury, or medical condition, the date on which it occurred, and a statement that, in the Doctor’s opinion the illness, injury, or medical condition will prevent you from attending the Race. An immediate family member is defined as “Your husband, wife, partner, civil partner, parent, child, brother, sister, grandmother, or grandfather, or stepfamily.”

    Death of Immediate Family

    Definition:  death of an Immediate Family member up to four (6) weeks prior to the date of the Race. An immediate family member is defined as “Your husband, wife, partner, civil partner, parent, child, brother, sister, grandmother or grandfather, or stepfamily.”

    Supporting Documentation: a death certificate.

    Jury Service/Court Summons

    Definition: a summons for you to attend jury service or appear as a witness in a court proceeding (not including a summons in which you are named as a defendant in a criminal proceeding) on the date of the Race for which you were unaware at the time of Registration.

    Supporting Documentation: a copy of the court summons.

    Home Emergency

    Definition: a burglary, fire, or flood at your private residence.

    Supporting Documentation: 1) a police or fire report or copy of the claim made to your insurance company and 2) proof that you reside at the location where the home emergency occurred. Proof of residency documents may include, among other documents, rental or lease agreements, mortgage bills, utility bills or federal or state tax forms, all of which show your name and the address where the emergency has occurred.

    Armed Forces & Emergency Services Recall

    Definition: you as a member of the Armed Forces (Army, Naval Service, Air Force, Marines, Reserve Armed Forces) or Emergency Services (Police, Fire, and Rescue Service, or other Emergency Services) are recalled to work on the date of the Race, have been (or will be) deployed on the date of the Race, or are posted overseas and cannot attend the Race.

    Supporting Documentation: a note from your Commanding Officer or employer to confirm being called into work or duty and that this was not on your original schedule.

    Emergency Circumstances (upon proof of documentation and at the sole discretion of TSFM)

    Definition: an unforeseen or emergency circumstance that was not within your control. The decision to refund is entirely at the discretion of TSFM.

    Supporting Documentation: any evidence requested by TSFM to verify the unforeseen or emergency circumstance.

                    CONFIDENTIAL – Please note that all supporting documentation submitted to TSFM will be treated confidentially. We will not share medical and/or other information you provide us with third parties. We will destroy supporting documentation immediately upon issuance of a refund. If, however, we deny your refund request, we will keep the documentation (for reference purposes only) until the Refund Application Period expires.
  • Refunds Not Issued

    TSFM WILL NOT issue a refund of the item purchased on your initial race registration if you are unable to attend the Race due to any of the following listed reasons.

    • Race cancellation, including cancellations by either TSFM and/or government agencies, due to Covid-19 related circumstances
    • Wildfire or air conditions caused by fire
    • Race postponement/change of Race date
    • Flight disruption
    • Failure of public transportation
    • Mechanical breakdown
    • Adverse weather
    • Theft of documents
    • Government travel ban
    • Actual or perceived: war, hostilities, civil commotion; imprisonment, repatriation, deportation; poisonous biological materials, radioactivity; Cyber Incident or Cyber Act; state property seizure
    • Failing to comply with any law
    • Travel restrictions associated with Covid-19
    • Fear of traveling due to Covid-19 or otherwise
    • Communicable disease (including Covid-19) pandemic or epidemic
    •  Are Covid-19-related circumstances included? No, Covid-19 is not covered under the list of refundable terms and conditions.
    • A personal decision that you no longer want to attend the Race.
  • General Conditions of Refund
    • Any reason for refund must NOT have been known or reasonably foreseeable at the time you Registered. If you had a pre-existing medical condition that you were aware of at the time you Registered and that would normally not prevent you from attending the Race, you may be eligible for a refund, at the sole discretion of TSFM, and upon the submission of documentation from a Doctor that confirms the details of your pre-existing medical condition, the date it changed and that it prevented you from attending the Race. 
    • You must make all arrangements to arrive in time to attend the Raceincluding arranging any necessary permits, travel documents or visas.
    • You must take all reasonable precautions or make reasonable alternate arrangements to prevent or reduce any refund request.
    • You will be asked to provide supporting evidence at your own expense as well as a copy of the Registration confirmation. TSFM will not issue refunds where you cannot provide sufficient supporting evidence.
    • The Refundable Terms are only applicable to personal unforeseen and emergency circumstances that prevent you from attending the Race. For example, if an individual member of an Ultra Relay is approved for a refund, such refund applies only to the individual member and not the entire team.
      • In addition, if an initial registration includes more than one participant, an approved refund for one participant does not apply to the additional participants, unless each additional participant also applies for, and meets the criteria, for a Refund. Maximum refund value per person will not exceed the total value of their respective initial Race Registration purchase.
      • These reasons for refund are considered on an entirely discretionary basis and are not to be taken as a guarantee of refund.
  • Requesting a Refund
    To apply for a refund, you must complete the Tower Refund Application Form as soon as you know you cannot attend the (before June 13th), forty-five days prior to the scheduled Race Date (July 27, 2025). To request a Tower Refund application, please contact
  • Definitions

    The following words or phrases have the meaning shown below wherever they appear in this document.

    Race– The TSFM event scheduled for July 26th & 27th, 2025 that you Registered to attend.

    You/Your/Yourself – A person who has Registered for a Race with TSFM.

    Attend – participate in, take part in, use, or be present at the Race.

    Registered/Registration – The transaction whereby you signed up and paid a fee to participate and Attend the Race.

    Communicable Disease – means any disease capable of being transmitted from an infected person or species to a susceptible host, either directly or indirectly, that has caused quarantines or restriction of movement of people.

    Doctor – A qualified medical practitioner registered and licensed with a recognized professional body. A doctor cannot be you or a member of your family.

    Immediate family – Your husband, wife, partner, civil partner, parent, child, brother, sister, grandmother or grandfather, or stepfamily. Documentation may be required to show a marriage or civil partnership, in the form of a marriage certificate, a filed domestic partnership or civil union agreement, lease or rental agreements, or utility bills with both individuals’ names listed thereon.

TSFM Will NOT issue a refund in the case you do not Attend

IMPORTANTAll aspects of this document are subject to California law. This is not an insurance policy. A Refundable Registration is an optional extension to TSFM’s standard Terms and conditions of sale and trade, and it provides a refund for certain defined circumstances outlined in this document.

REFUNDABLE REGISTRATION FAQ is part of the Registration Refundable Terms & Conditions.