Step into Your Story with

The San Francisco
Global Run Series

Join runners and celebrities worldwide; Run any distance you prefer, all from the comfort of your neighborhood.


Celebrating diversity, individualism & creativity, sharing the essence of San Francisco with your community


Support a Charity just by registering

By selecting a celebrity-sponsored charity during registration, $25 of your registration fee will be donated to that cause.


Global Run Charity Celebrities

If you’d like, raise additional money and earn a gift*!

Raise $60
Earn a running cap

Raise an additional $95
Earn a quarter zip

Total raised: $155

Raise an additional $130
Earn a sweatshirt

Global Run Celebrity Signature Line
Total raised: $285

Fundraising ends as of Sept 30, 2024. Any applicable earned gifts will ship in November.

*See Funds Allocation Details in the FAQ & Terms section below for more details.

Global Run Event Dates

August 25th
Last Sunday of the month

September 8th
Star Trek Celebration Day

September 29th
Last Sunday of the month

More dates to be released, check back!

Registrants are limited to participating to 1 event per registration


Run locally, connect globally

Use our Global Athlete Map to:

  • See where other registered runners are around the world, and share videos & photos!
  • Create, join & meet up with local buddy groups

Download our SF Marathon Race app* to:

  • Track & communicate with runners.
  • Keep updated with our Finishers Results Leaderboard, posted by region, and by the celebrity cause you are supporting (if applicable).

*A link to our SF Marathon App will be emailed to you race week


Runner coordinates are randomized by 2 miles or more of their actual locations for their privacy and security.

Pricing Tiers



  • Everything listed below in the “All registrants get” section



  • Everything listed below in the “All registrants get” section, plus the Official Shirt*



  • Everything listed below in the “All registrants get” section, plus the Official Medal*


Shirt + Medal

  • Everything listed below, plus the Official Shirt and Medal*

*Items will be shipped within 30 days of completing your run, between Aug 1st and Oct 31, (or in November if you earned a fundraising gift). International shipping does not include any applicable customs charges.


All registrants get:

  • $25 of your registration fee goes to a charity of your choice from one of our feature causes
  • $24.99 of your registration fee goes to the SF Marathon programs, projects, initiatives & volunteers
  • Personalized digital medals paired with a buddy or with a celebrity
  • Race day GPS tracking with spectator messaging and live results
  • Access to the runner map to view who is registered and running on race day

Invite a buddy to run remotely on any Event date, with you and/or a celebrity and earn these “Medals




When registering you will be linked to our Motio & Better World access page. From there, select the Price Tier and continue.


Select which cause you would like $25 from your registration fees donated to.

(Optional) Fundraise – If you’d like, raise additional money to earn Gifts. After you have registered, follow the instructions and complete the Fundraising Participant page.


You have an option to partner up with a celebrity and or one or more running buddies. After you register, you will receive an email to linkup.

Post-race you will receive a combined shareable official Global Run digital medal showcasing you, your buddies and a celebrity (if applicable).


Within 24 hours of registering you will receive an email with further instructions including how to invite running buddies.

You will also receive an informational email invitation to run 5 days prior to the next scheduled Global Run Event date. If you select to run that Event date, you will download the runner & spectator tracking app and follow the instructions.

Earn Referral Gifts by inviting fellow runners to use your referral code when they register!

1 Referral
Shoe Pocket

2 Referrals
Shoe Pocket + Phone Armband

3 Referrals
Shoe Pocket, Phone Armband + Running Belt

Referral gifts only apply to Global Run registrants only, who register for the pricing tiers ‘Shirt’, ‘Medal’ or ‘Shirt + Medal’. (Referral gifts do not apply to in-person SF Marathon registrants.) Referral codes will be emailed to registrants within 24 hours of registering.

FAQs & Terms

  • Referral & Earned Fundraising Gifts
    • Gift items shown and stated can be changed to alternative gifts depending on availability

    • Global Run Celebrity Signature Line is limited to inventory availability

    • Fundraisers can decline the gifts, and cost saving will be allocated to the cause they support. An email will be sent to request if the recipient would like to decline the gift

  • Fundraising
    • Fundraising ends as of Sept 30, 2024. Any applicable earned gifts will ship in November. You are eligible for up to 3 earned gifts.
  • Receive Digital Medals
    • Upon registering for the ‘Global Run’ you will receive an email with your invitation to sign up in Motio and receive your ‘I am Registered’ Digital Medallion. Or you can also access Motio directly

    • On race day after you complete your remote run, you will receive your official SFM Digital Finisher Medal.

    • You have an option to upload a personal photo or image into the Digital Medal. You can access Motio directly here.

    • If you are a ‘Run Buddy’, you will also receive a combined Run Buddy digital metal.

  • Set Athlete Map Profile
    • Once you register, your runner information will be added to the SFM Motio Global Athlete Map, initially set to display no information.

    • You have an option to set your display preferences in Motio by clicking on ‘Resources > Races > Athlete Map’. Upon registering, you will receive a link to Motio to set your map preferences.

  • Access Race App
    • During race week, you will receive a SFM email with a link to sign up for the SFM race weekend app.

  • Funds Allocation Details
    • When you register as a SFM Global remote/virtual runner and select a cause to support and join a “Team Scoring – Global Celebrity” team, $25 of your registration fee will be donated to the cause you selected to support in registration.

    • If you also choose to fundraise too, 90% of these additional funds raised will be distributed to cause your support and 10% will be retained by SFM Global Run to cover administrative overhead. The donation payment transaction fee is 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction, which is either paid by the fundraiser or deducted from the additional funds raised.

    • If the registrant uses a ‘Gift Referral code’, the cost of the gift, not to exceed $10 will be deducted from the additional funds raised.

    • When the participant raises additional funds, the production and shipping costs of the earned gifts will be deducted from the additional funds.

    • All funds raised will be distributed to the cause you supported in Nov 2024, after the close of the Race & fundraising period on Sept 30.

    • Each cause will be informed of the registrants who fundraised for them, including the email address and amount raised.

  • Loyalty & Legacy
    • By registering, you keep your SF Marathon Loyalty and Legacy intact.

Other questions? Please email