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Run the 2025 Full Marathon

Join us for another banner year.

Run the 2025 Full Marathon

Sunday, July 27, 2025

Start Time: 5:15 a.m.
Start Line: Embarcadero at Market
Finish Line: Embarcadero at Howard
Distance: 26.2 miles with a 6-hour time limit.

Race Fee: $337.59


Course Certification
The Full Marathon course is USATF certified and a Boston Marathon qualifying race.

This race is an Abbott Wanda World Qualifer. Find out more.


A Rewarding and Scenic Race Through the Streets of San Francisco!

Running the full marathon in San Francisco is an experience of a lifetime. The course has STUNNING scenery and the city’s most iconic landmarks. Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge will not disappoint you; this is perhaps the most breathtaking moment of the race.

Passing through Fisherman’s Wharf, the Marina Green, and Crissy Field on your way to the Golden Gate Bridge is an unforgettable experience that will stay with you long after the race. Sweeping views await you on the north side of the bridge and breathtaking downhill segments.

Crossing the halfway mark as you exit the Golden Gate Bridge and head back into San Francisco, you are rewarded with another amazing view of the Pacific Ocean.  Traverse to Golden Gate Park, exit on Haight Street, and experience the vibrant local neighborhoods.  Pass the homes of the Golden State Warriors and San Francisco Giants and finish as you run under the Bay Bridge.  Cross off that bucket list; you did it!

Take the Challenge!

Get even more gear if you complete a Challenge!

Challenge Medal

Double Up Challenge

SFM Full + SFM Saturday 5K

Challenge Medal

52 Club Challenge

SFM Full + both SFM Half Marathons (3 races, 3 consecutive years)

Challenge Medal

Legacy Runner Challenge

SFM Full + any other 2 previous SFM races (3 consecutive years, excludes 1K)

Challenge Medal


SFM Full + any distance for the Berkeley Half Marathon (consecutive races*)

Challenge Medal

SF/LA Challenge

SFM Full + any distance of the LA Marathon (consecutive races*)

Challenge Medal

SF/Oakland Challenge

SFM Full + any distance of the Oakland Marathon (consecutive races*)

Challenge Medal

CA Time to Travel Challenge

SFM Full + any distance of the OC Marathon (consecutive races*)

*Once a medal is received at a previous event, the challenge will restart.

This Could Be You!

Marathon Course Mile by Mile Preview

2024 Course Map*


*Maps subject to change. Elevation gain is approximat

Can’t join us in person? Register for Virtual!

Experience our races virtually, including the half and full marathons in San Francisco. Learn more on our Virtual Races page.

    Full Marathon Details

  • Start time, location and corral details

    Start Location

    The Full Marathon starts at 5:15 am (start time subject to change) @ Embarcadero @ Mission.

    Corral Start times:

    Corral A Corral B Corral C
    5:15 AM 5:20 AM 5:26 AM
    5:16 AM 5:22 AM 5:28 AM
    5:18 AM 5:24 AM 5:30 AM

    For more information on starting corrals, please click here

  • Course Limits
    In order to qualify as an Official Full Marathon Finisher, you must finish within the 6-hour course limit.
  • Water/Fuel Stops & Medical Care
    The Full Marathon includes 14 water stops where you can find water, Nuun Electrolytes, medical, and toilets. Water stops 6 and 10 will include Chargel Energy gel

    *All water stops will have water monster refill stations.

  • Need to know
    In an effort to reduce waste and work toward being a sustainable event, heat sheets will not be provided at the finish line. Our medical team will have them available if the weather is cold and foggy. We encourage you to pack a warm lightweight item that can fit in your drop bag that you can put on post-race. We appreciate your understanding and help in reducing our footprint.
  • Elevation Map
    See map above.
  • Golden Gate Bridge cut off times
    The last Northbound runner (on the East sidewalk) must access the Golden Gate Bridge by 7:40 a.m. and the last Southbound runner (on the West sidewalk from the Dillingham Lot) must access the bridge by 8:50 a.m. This is to ensure that the sidewalks can be reopened to the public. For more information on cut-off times, please click here

  • Perks & Benefits
    All participants receive a technical fabric long-sleeved shirt and finisher medal. View sizing info here.
  • Awards
    The top 3 overall and the top 3 Men, Women, and NB+ division winners in the Full marathon will receive digital 3D awards via email when the results are finalized, 3 to 6 weeks post-race.
  • Divisions
    Open, Masters and Age Groups: 19 and Under, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+

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