16 results for tag: Nutrition
Having the right recovery
nutrition helps you refuel and ensures that you have energy stores available to use a day or even four days later.
We review the basics of recovery
nutrition and how to use UCAN products for recovery, featuring insights from world-class running coach Greg McMillan.
The Glycogen Window
Proteins and ...
After citing the benefits of skipping a large meal the night before a marathon (see The Myth of Carb Loading), a reader asked, “Are you saying that carb loading is bad or is it just bad the night before the race?” Although it is not “bad,” carb loading is difficult with minimal benefit.
Classic carb loading: After ...
We've all heard the advice to carb load before a big sporting activity, such as running a marathon. It's been said that carb loading, by eating pasta, rice, potatoes, or other high-carb foods before a race, will provide you a good source of energy to help you avoid the dreaded wall. But is that really the case?
Former ...
Now that we've hit the 12-week countdown until The Biofreeze San Francisco Marathon, it's time to line yourself up for success against the dreaded wall.
For anyone who’s ever bonked during a workout, the feelings of dizziness, heavy legs and brain fog are all things you want to avoid at all costs! “Bonking” or “hit...
If we do not put gas in our car, it does not move. And that is what happens when we run out of stored glycogen: we hit the wall, and moving becomes an enormous mental battle and physical challenge, just like pushing our car would be.
I eat more in tune with what my body is telling me, and less on looking at the scale or counting calories. And I'm supplying my body with the best fuel to stay strong, healthy and injury free.