2 results for tag: health and wellness

How Running Affects Your Health, Sleep, and Mood: A Transformation Guide for New Runners

My first ever (voluntary) run was more or less an accident. I was in the gorgeous redwoods of coastal California. After a busy day full of work and schoolwork, I headed to the woods for some peace and quiet. I didn't know back then that people ran on trails. I didn't know that ultramarathons existed. About halfway through my ... More

8 Ways to Conquer Cold Weather And Run Safely Anywhere, Anytime

As we head into the second—and definitely colder—half of winter, many runners might be struggling to keep up with their routines. And while a lot of them take the opportunity to enjoy some much-needed deep rest, there are as many of us who want to keep running and enjoy everything the season has to offer; bad weather and ... More