The Lone Runner Series: Hill Training for Marathon Runners

Hill Training for Marathon Runners By Ben Connelly Hill workouts should have a role in training for any race, even track events. But they should play an even larger role in preparing for a hilly marathon, especially the San Francisco Marathon. Hill training does not mean hilly easy runs or long runs with hills. By all means, run hilly ... More

The Lone Runner Series: Interval Training for Marathon Runners

Interval Training for Marathon Runners by Ben Connelly In a previous post, I introduced the topic of speedwork for marathon runners. I explained that, contrary to common belief, marathoners should not run all their runs at an easy pace. Beginners focused solely on completing the marathon can get away with skipping speedwork (although ... More

The Lone Runner Blog Series: Even Marathoners Need Speedwork

Even Marathoners Need Speedwork by Ben Connelly In this article, I’d like to introduce a topic I plan to explore over multiple articles. Today, I will explain why even runners training for marathons should run fast workouts. In later articles, I will provide specific workout suggestions and go deeper into the science behind them. M... More

The Lone Runner Series: Pacing a Virtual Marathon

Pacing a Virtual Marathon by Ben Connelly I wanted to follow up last week’s interview with my friend Jordan about his virtual marathon, with my own thoughts about the race. This week, I want to talk more generally and give some advice, both to racers, and to their friends who will be pacing and supporting them. Background: My ... More

The Lone Runner Series: Now Is the Perfect Time to Start Training for a Marathon

Now Is the Perfect Time to Start Training for a Marathon by Ben Connelly Some people may feel hesitant about returning to training, but actually this is the perfect time to start training for a marathon. The United States just passed a milestone: 50% of all adults have received at least the first dose a COVID-19 vaccine.[1] We can see the ... More

The Lone Runner Series: Top 8 Protein Sources for Marathon Runners

Top 8 Protein Sources for Marathon Runners by Ben Connelly Most marathon runners know the importance of carbohydrates in the second half of marathon training. But many underestimate the importance of protein. In the first half of training, runners should prioritize protein consumption. While it will play a role throughout training, protein ... More

The Lone Runner Series: Sleep During Marathon Training

The Importance of Sleep During Marathon Training by Ben Connelly Many adults do not sleep enough.[1] Scientists have documented the serious dangers of too little sleep,[2] and many people have heard about the benefits of sleep, but some of them still do not sleep enough. Sleep becomes more important during periods of strenuous physical ... More

The Lone Runner Series: Why Would You Train for a Marathon?

The Lone Runner Series: Why Would You Train for a Marathon? Runners have many reasons they train for marathons, but many do it because it is rewarding. Today I want to explore a few of the rewards of marathon training.  Training for a marathon demands serious effort. But it also has serious benefits. Moreover, marathon training rewards ... More

The Lone Runner Series: Curb Your Enthusiasm: Avoid Overextending Yourself in the Early Days of Marathon Training

The Lone Runner Series: Curb Your Enthusiasm: Avoid Overextending Yourself in the Early Days of Marathon Training by Ben Connelly Excited to start marathon training again? Whether new to marathoning, or a veteran, most marathoners experience a thrill when they embark on their training. Just as you need patience in a race as long as the ... More

#TrainingTipThursday: How to Recover After a Race

As we are approaching the end of year, many of us are already planning out our race schedules for the upcoming year along with a new set of goals to reach for. There are many, however, who are focused in on the final races for the year and trying to close out the running season with a bang! With that, it’s important that we run our best, ... More