Athlete experiencing Relative Energy Deficiency or RED-S

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport: What is RED-S and What Should You Know About It?

Many people have heard of anorexia and bulimia, maybe even binge eating disorder. However, did you know there is another eating disorder that impacts athletes? It’s called RED-S, short for relative energy deficiency in sport. It was originally known as the female athlete triad, however, it is now recognized that people of all sexes can be ... More

A plate of grilled vegetables is a great way to add more veggies (and, therefore, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants) to your diet

How to Add More Vegetables to Your Diet

Veggies are an important source of vitamins, minerals, and other antioxidant nutrients for all humans. As we've learned in school as well as in life, these nutrients are essential to ensure that our bodies and minds stay happy and healthy. This rings especially true for endurance athletes. The above-mentioned compounds are key to training ... More

An older woman and man run in a park. Choosing the right nutrition for older runners can help them stay active.

Nutrition for Older Runners with Dietitian Becca Blumberg

Most of us view “runner” as an essential part of our identity. It’s not just something we do. We live, breathe, eat, and sleep for our sport. From giving up Friday happy hour so that we can nail our Saturday long run to early pre-work speed sessions, we make sacrifices for our sport. Often, our social lives revolve around it as well�... More

Nutrition science: the athlete's plate.

Nutrition Science isn’t Rocket Science: 4 Basic Principles to Keep in Mind

Nutrition science is fairly simple. Eat lots of veggies. Eat a wide variety of foods. Prepare your own food whenever you can. Eat consistently throughout the day. However, there’s so much information and misinformation out there, it’s easy to get lost, confused, or forget what you already know. These basics can help get you back on track ... More

Winter hydration

Hydration in Winter: Dietitian Becca Blumberg Breaks Down the Basics.

Hydration is an important part of our day-to-day lives. How we approach hydration during a workout or a race can make or break our runs and the recovery process. Luckily, dietitian Becca Blumberg is here to help with a short and comprehensive guide to winter hydration. Written by Becca Blumberg Edited by Pavlína Marek Step 1: Notice ... More

A sports RDN consults with a client

Should You Visit a Sports RDN in the New Year? Dietitian Becca Blumberg Says Yes!

The off-season can be the perfect time to establish habits that will take you into your next training block healthy. Maybe you want to focus on sleep or additional strength training. Maybe you want to dial in your nutrition. And that’s where a registered dietitian nutritionist, a sports RDN, comes in. Written by Becca Blumberg, MS, ... More

Five Simple Ways to Tackle Your Off-Season Nutrition

Off-season nutrition can be a tough nut to crack—but it doesn't have to be! Let our nutritionist Becca Blumberg walk you through it step by step. Written by Becca Blumberg, edited by Pavlína Marek The off-season is here and many athletes wonder how their day-to-day eating habits should change. There are many ways in which things may ... More

A Unique Pre-Race Meal

Nutrition with Becca Blumberg - Pre-Race Meal Suggestion This is a unique twist on the typical pre-race meal. The fish is easily digestible protein and the rice provides plenty of readily available carbohydrates. Adding some cooked vegetables helps round out the meal without leaving a lot of extra work for your digestive system to do. This ... More

Why Carboloading is a Mistake (and What to Do Instead)

By Ben Connelly When I was in high school, my teammates and I used to routinely gather the night before a 5k to eat enormous quantities of food – usually pasta, pizza, bread, cookies, and brownies. At the time, we actually thought this would improve our times. Luckily, we were at an age where our digestion and metabolism could keep up, ... More

Eating Before and During a Run (Race)

By Ben Connelly It is never too late to start practicing your prerace routine. One of the most important parts of that routine is eating.  Likewise, it is never too late to start practicing eating during long runs. What and how you eat during your race can make or break it. Today, I plan to break down both of these topics and give ... More