An illustration of people of all backgrounds running on treadmills and doing resistance training and strength training

How Can Resistance Training Elevate your Running?

When you imagine yourself training for a marathon, I bet it includes a lot of time spent on a trail or treadmill, putting miles under your feet day in and day out. It’s not far off from reality. You do have to spend a lot of time running to do it to the extent a marathon pushes you to. However, that's not all you need to do. Resistance ... More

Runners half to marathon

Double the Distance: How to Go from a Half to a Full Marathon in 7 Simple Steps

Here we are: you've run the half marathon and now you're eyeing the full 26.2 miles. Fancy meeting you here, you absolute rockstar! 🌟 The good news is that going from a half to a full marathon is challenging, exciting, and totally achievable (with the right strategy and a sprinkle of grit). The bad news is... actually, I think there are ... More

Golden Gate Bridge, blue skies, and lupies flowering in the forgreound.Run in SF.

Spring has Sprung! Here Are 7 Best Places to Run in San Francisco.

Spring is finally here and it's the perfect time to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. And San Francisco isn't just any place to run—with its famous hills (hello, leg day!), stunning views, and ideal spring weather, it has everything a runner could wish for. Whether you're an experienced runner or just starting your fitness ... More

A view of Sausalito and the Golden Gate Bridge, a part of the new sfm half marathon course.

Elevation Celebration: New Miles in Marin County (Explore the New SFM Half Marathon Course!)

On the Golden Gate Bridge's north tower, between miles 7 and 8, Marathon runners and Bridge Half runners will spot a sign indicating they’re entering Marin County. If you're one of these runners, when you arrive at this sign, it’s time to gird your quadriceps because you’re about to cruise down some steep hills for the next several ... More

How Training for a Marathon is Like Planting a Tree

When you decide you want to train for a marathon, you begin a journey of growth that’s similar to that of a tree’s. When a tree starts out as a seed—an acorn, pinecone, samara, or any other—it’s fragile. The elements take the seed wherever they want, and until they find fertile ground any number of things can crush the seed before ... More

A young professional businessman with a smile runs with a suitcase and coffee.

How to Make Time for Running & Fit It Into Your Schedule as a Young Professional

Remember those college days when squeezing in a quick run between classes felt like a breeze? Fast forward to your first "real" job, and suddenly finding time to tie those running shoes seems like Mission: Impossible. The shift from campus life to the 9-to-5 grind can feel overwhelming. Your calendar is packed with meetings, deadlines loom ... More

Two young runners, a man and a woman, stretch together before a run to minimize injury

The Basics: Tips & Tricks for Preventing Injury & Maximizing Recovery

When it comes to running, there’s nothing more important than preventing injury. While running is generally a healthy and safe activity, just like with everything, there are some risks. Nipping the problems that may arise in the bud and safely continuing your training is what allows you to keep making consistent progress towards your goals. ... More

Silhouettes of two runners, a woman and a man, running on a beach by the ocean after sunset, enjoying the health benefits of running

How Running Affects Your Health, Sleep, and Mood: A Transformation Guide for New Runners

My first ever (voluntary) run was more or less an accident. I was in the gorgeous redwoods of coastal California. After a busy day full of work and schoolwork, I headed to the woods for some peace and quiet. I didn't know back then that people ran on trails. I didn't know that ultramarathons existed. About halfway through my walk, my lungs ... More

A view of the Presidio Tunnel Tops and the Bay with blue skies above

Presidio Tunnel Tops and Field Station | SFM Ambassador Scott Benbow’s City Guide

The Presidio Tunnel Tops, a park at the 4.5-mile mark of the San Francisco Marathon, opened to the public in 2022 and has become a popular destination. On a clear day, the views of the Bay, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Marin Headlands are breathtaking. On a cloudy, cold, or rainy day, Tunnel Tops provides fascinating indoor activities for ... More

Three young women running on a trail in the late afternoon. Stick with your goals.

Keep Going! 10 Ways to Stay Motivated & Continue Your Fitness Journey Past January

January is almost over. Its fresh-start energy has come and gone, and you might notice the gym getting quieter. Those packed fitness classes? Not so packed anymore. Your local track? A little lonelier than in the first week or two of 2025. It's a familiar story—the enthusiasm often dwindles as winter drags on. Here's the good news—your ... More