Let’s Do This! Training for The Biofreeze San Francisco Marathon
We’re now 12 weeks away from this year’s San Francisco Marathon, so it’s time to kick things into gear. If you’re anything like me, registering for a new race is exciting, but once the thrill of signing up wears off, it’s time to get down to business!
So, what’s next? Well, if you haven’t registered yet, visit the registration page and get registered. Next, here are some tips to help get you started on the right foot:
- Set a Goal – It’s a good idea to think about how you want to approach your race by setting a goal. Whether it’s to finish your first marathon (or half, 5k, or ultra!), get a PR, or knock it out of the park with a top ten finish, your goal is your own. For me, I hope to beat my best SF Marathon time from a couple of years ago. Setting an alternative goal is good as well. For example, as much as I’d like to beat my best SF Marathon course time, if I’m not hitting that goal, I’d be happy with a certain time window as well.
- Pick a Plan – Depending on what distance you’re planning on running, there are a number of plans out there. You can find some basic plans online, or you can kick it up a notch and sign up for training with RUN365 or their virtual training partner, The Run Experience, to get some excellent coaching. Just make sure you find a plan that best meets your personal needs. You may want to avoid the “Qualify for the Olympics Training Plan” if you’re doing your first marathon.
Make the Time – Once you’ve got your plan in place, make sure to schedule your training runs. I’m a pretty busy person inside and out of the office, so I have to carefully schedule when I can run – and sometimes I have to move things around to make sure it happens. This might mean saying ‘no’ to social events in order to get in that long run I had planned on a Sunday morning. Sorry Mom, I’ll call you tomorrow from the couch!
- Stick with It! – Training for a specific race, especially a half and full marathon, can feel like a slog at times. Sticking to your plan every week might seem challenging, but trust me: it will feel that much more rewarding on race day. You’ll know what I mean when your post-race selfie includes a smile instead of the “time for bed” look.
- Have Fun! – Don’t forget, we’re doing this for fun (right?… right?). Okay, we’re also doing it for that sweet-looking medal at the end, but still. Although race day seems a bit far off from now, it’ll be here in no time. Don’t forget to have a great time, and enjoy the moment!
So, with race day only a few months out, let’s sign up, get running, and LET’S DO THIS!
See you on race day!
Contributed by Jason Hakes, a 2018 Ambassador for The Biofreeze San Francisco Marathon.