Laughing While Running
Well Hello There! This is Carmel, SF native and Boulder, CO transplant and 2014 marks my first year as an SF Marathon Ambassador. I am so excited to have been chosen for this group and have really enjoyed reading the blog posts written so far.
This is my first post and I wanted to talk about a movement that is quickly spreading to all sporting events with spectators that I’ve really fallen in love with: HILARIOUS SPECTATOR SIGNS.
You know what I’m talking about, guys, and I think we can all agree that they’re the best.
I remember the first funny spectator sign I encountered, during my first half marathon in 2012, The SF Marathon. It was somewhere near the Conservatory of Flowers and there was a light mist in the air and I was feeling pretty Rocky Balboa. I was ‘in the zone’ and taking things pretty seriously when I looked up to find a cardboard sign scrawled with the question, “Whiskey?”. I then noticed the makeshift beer pong table next to the sign and upon said table were paper Dixie cups filled with that glorious brown liquor. I noticed my pace increase as the giggles spilt forth from my mouth and realized that I didn’t need to be so serious – yes, this was a race but it was okay to laugh and have a good time, too. At every mile mark that followed, I encountered even more hilarious signs and equally hilarious people. As I crossed the finish line, I found myself laughing and crying at the same time. Later, as I spent time reliving each mile, my feet yelling at me threw my sneakers, I rejoiced in knowing that I had an absolute blast.
I’ve curated a few of my hands-down favorite spectator signs below, from races all over. Some you may have seen before, some may be new to you. Either way, I hope they bring a smile to your face and a chuckle from deep within.

Had to end it with a bang. There is just SO much awesome going on in this picture. Just take it all in.